35 Reasons Not To Sin
By Jim Elliff
- Because a little sin leads to more sin.
因為小罪會導致大罪。 - Because my sin invites the discipline of God.
因為我的罪會遭受神的管教。 - Because the time spent in sin is forever wasted.
EN (恩) & SHIN (歆) are two Chinese words which mean "GRACE" & "TO SUBMIT WILLINGLY", respectively. They are also names of my two adorable sons. This blog serves as an archive of my "Share of The Week" in the weekly CCCVA-YCF (Young Couple Fellowship of Chinese Christian Church of Virginia) e-letter from 2005 to 2007. Now, it is my sharing about the spiritual materials I found or adapted from the internet.
By Jim Elliff
Posted by CW Lu at 4:23 PM 0 comments
Labels: Devotion