November 30, 2005

Mary Did You Know?

This is a song which deeply touched me when I first heard it in a Christmas concert. Here are several versions about the song and I think it's best to share them in this grateful Christmas season.

Mary Did You Know?

November 21, 2005

Thanksgiving Recipe For Happier Days

( Take each ingredient and mix well into each day.)

T ~ Trust God
H ~ Hug someone you love
A ~ Appreciate the day
N ~ Nip your bad attitude
K ~ Kindle Kindness
S ~ Share a Smile
G ~ Grasp the joyful moments
I ~ Implement creativeness
V ~ Value people, not things.
I ~ Improve your relationships
N ~ Notice the goodness of God all around you.
G ~ Give a soft answer

Source: Thanksgiving At The Paver's Nest

How does the Bible say about "Thanksgiving"? Please read "Bible Scripture Study Guide for Thanksgiving".

November 16, 2005

Name Above All Names

We studied the topic of "What is God?" from the shorter catechism in our YCF group last week. During our discussion, it reminded me a song (which is not really a song, but a poem) about names of God in every book of Bible. It's called ...

Name Above All Names
(from the album God With Us - 神同在)
by Don Moen (Chinese Translation by 章啟明)

November 09, 2005

The Center of the Bible

What is the shortest chapter in the Bible?
Answer - Psalms 117
答案:詩篇 117

What is the longest chapter in the Bible?
Answer - Psalms 119
答案:詩篇 119

Which chapter is in the center of the Bible?
Answer - Psalms 118
答案:詩篇 118

Fact: There are 594 chapters before Psalms 118
Fact: There are 594 chapters after Psalms 118

Add these numbers up and you get 1188.

What is the center verse in the Bible?
Answer - Psalms 118:8

Does this verse say something significant about God's perfect will for our lives?

The next time someone says they would like to find God's perfect will for their lives and that they want to be in the center of His will, just send them to the center of His Word!

Psalms 118:8 (KJV) "It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man"

November 02, 2005


Ever wonder about the abbreviation A.S.A.P.?
Generally we think of it in terms of even more
hurry and stress in our lives. (As Soon As Possible)

If we think of this abbreviation in a different manner,
we may begin to find a new way to deal with our rough times.

A. S. A. P.