September 28, 2005

Ancient Chinese: Language of God?

Ever wrestle with questions of faith? Most people do.

Is God real? Where did men come from? What about Bible, is it true?

Where can you find such answers? One place to look is back in history. There are some intriguing explanations found in a culture that existed over one hundred years before the first word of the Bible were written down.

The Chinese language. It is the oldest , continuously written language in the world . Is it possible the people who created the ancient Chinese characters knew the answers to the questions you are now asking? Is the connection between the ancient characters and stories in the Bible a coincidence or by design?

You decide for yourself (中國古字與聖經之關係)... (Flash Presentation)

September 22, 2005

Another Interview with God

You may have seen the beautiful flash presentaion of "The Interview with God". It has been spreading around the net for quite a while and is claimed to be seen by millions.

Another Interview with GodHowever, you may not have seen "Another Interview with God" which is more biblical and faithful to His words.

September 14, 2005

God said, "NO!"

I asked God to take away my pride. And God said "NO."
It is not for me to take away, but for you to give it up.

September 06, 2005


This flash animaiton is so popular that it has been translated into 12 languages since I first watched it about 3 years ago. If you had not watched it, please turn on your speaker and enjoy the Creation of God with the beautiful "Canon in D" as the background music.

Creation (view in English or 中文)

September 01, 2005

Things I Learned from My Mother

As a homeschool father, I did not know September is the National Homeschool Month until I received an e-letter from FCPL (Fairfax County Public Library). Do you know that there are approximately 2,500 homeschool students in the Fairfax county? This number has increased by about 40% in recent two years. To celebrate the National Homeschool Month, I'm going to share with all of you a humorous posting I read from a homeschool forum sponsored by Sonlight Curriculum.

Things I Learned from My Mother smile


1. My mother taught me TO APPRECIATE A JOB WELL DONE.
"If you're going to kill each other, do it outside. I just finished cleaning."