February 22, 2006

Character Training is So Important

For parents who like to character training their children in a godly way, here is an interesting article written by a homeschooling mom. Many character training books and resources are reviewed in this article. Some of the materials could be used for children's Sunday School too.

You may also find this article from the author's website.

February 15, 2006

Top 100 Educational Web Sites of 2005

Homeschool.com asked their 7,000 product testers which web sites they found the most useful, both for homeschooling and for after-school help. From a statistician's point of view, 7,000 sample size is large enough to provide a good assessment of these web sites even though it's not a random sample. Their top 100 picks are now listed here.

Probably not many people know that this week (2/13 - 2/19) is Random Acts of Kindness Week, there is a great resource with stuff to print, activities and more in RAoK web site. All to inspire you and your children to perform random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty.

February 08, 2006


A Physician Analyzes the Crucifixion )

原作者C. Truman Davis醫師   編寫者:曾履元。

幾年以前我讀到Jim Bishop寫的〔基督死亡那日(The Day Christ Died)〕裡面關於釘十字架的那段敘述之後,開始對耶穌受難時身體方面所產生的變化發生了興趣。我猛然發覺這麼多年來竟然把釘十架僅僅當成一個事件,對那個過程中經歷的可怕情狀既沒概念、也缺少什麼特別的感覺。甚至,身為一個醫生,我從來也沒想過祂真正的死因是什麼。福音書的作者對這些都沒有清楚的交代。在他們的時代,釘十架和鞭打是很常見的事,過程人人都曉得,沒有必要詳細描述,因此聖經上只寫著:『彼拉多 … 將耶穌鞭打了,交給人釘十字架』。


February 01, 2006

YCF Chinese New Year 2006 (Photos)

Dear YCF Members,

The photos were uploaded to Flickr. Please find the photo link from the "Recent Photos" section on the left side bar of this blog. 17 photos with 5 different sizes each are currently available for you to download (click "all sizes" on the upper left corner of each photo).

If you need sizes larger than 1280x960 (upto 2272x1704), please let me know the photos and size you want.

If you do not want your photos to be viewed publicly as they are now, please also let me know and I will remove them.